Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Amazing Grace

I went to church this past Sunday, to a different church than the one I went to the first Sunday. This church is right next door, at a Christian university. The service was really great. It was a woman pastor and she was speaking on the topic of grace. As she was speaking she told this story to put into perspective what God really did for us. (many of you may have already seen this on facebook)
GRACE: Say you have a son. He is 15 years old and he gets murdered by this other guy, also 15. So your son is dead and the other guy goes to court. You are in the courtroom when they say he is guilty and he is sentenced for life with no chance of bail. This is JUSTICE.
Now what if you, as this boy's parents, plead that this other boy should not go to jail, it was an accident and he will do better next time. This is MERCY.
Now imagine if you told the judge, please let this boy, who has no family, come into our home. So you adopt this boy, and give him EVERYTHING that you were to give your own boy who was murdered. You give him a home, loving parents, an education and a chance at a better life. You love him the same as you would your own son. That is GRACE!!

And that is what Jesus has done for each one of us. This kind of grace is here for everyone every day!! PRAISE THE LORD :)
This story really hit me, as it puts God's sacrifice perfectly into perspective. It is amazing that grace that is here for each of us every single morning and yet most, if not all, of us take is soooo for granted!! I challange you to seek out God's grace in your own life, as I am trying to do in mine.
Love: Rach :)


  1. Hay rach its Kyle christie hayden and steve I think that you put the right thing down I sure hope you post more blogs We will read them
    Sincerely Kyle(:

  2. Hey Rach,
    What an awesome analogy. It's easy to overlook how great a sacrifice was made for us. Thanks for the post!
