Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Counting and being a Nurse's helper


The last couple of days have been pretty good. Went into the City center on Sunday with Elise and Madi for lunch and a little bit of market shopping. Played more soccer with Fred and a couple of others and lost again...I really have to get better at this!!!

Monday was the voting for the elections, and the counting of the votes continued until today (Tuesday) and I think the results should be revealed sometime on Wednesday. Still hoping and praying for peace and safety. A few (six I think) police officers have been shot, down in Mombasa, but that is all the violence I have heard of. It was crazy because I was up at 6:30 am on Monday and when I looked outside there were people already lining up to vote. And apparently some people stood in line for five hours just to vote!! Hordigans!!! This means crazy people...

I am slowly learning some Swahili words from the older kids downstairs!! I can sorta communicate with the younger kids now, the ones who can't speak english. I can tell them yes and go to bed and "come here you" and sorry!! And today they were trying to teach Madi and I to count to 10, which is harder than you would think...haha or I am just a slow learner.

Today I helped the nurse, Leuba with a baby named Cathy. Cathy has pneumonia, poor little thing, and so it was my job to hold her while Leuba got the injections ready. I also had to hold her while she cried because of the needle. That was the worst part. I mean she isn't even my child and yet I felt for her, and it broke my heart that this tiny child of only two months has to go through these needles and medication. Please pray for Cathy as you remember, so that she will get well quick!!

Other than that, not much else is new. Elise, Madi and I might go to supper tomorrow and we are going to Juja farm on Thursday, providing peaceful election results for both of these things.

I will try to update tomorrow or Thursday on the elections. Thank you for praying!!! Keep it up please and thankyou :)

Ps, here is a little converation I had with Fred
Fred: *feeling the hair on my legs* What is this?!
Me: It's hair
Fred: Don't lie!!! That's thorns!!!
Hahahaha made my day!!

1 comment:

  1. Awe Rach! You just made my whole day and it is only morning! I laughed so hard out loud over your conversation with Fred! And the previous blog just about burst my heart open with love for you and what you are doing down their! Isn't it so amazing how God works through people? And little did I know our conversation was God speaking through me, giving you and i just what we needed! It definitely made me think and also realize that He knows what we need all of the time! I forget that sometimes! Love you and still praying, Beee
