Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Mandazi and Matumbo

Hey!! :)

I hope you are doing well and thank you for continuing to support me in reading and prayer. I appreciate it more than you may know.

Sunday was a pretty good day, although I miss church at home terribly. That is something I am definitely excited to come home to. I had to say good bye to Dan and Tasha though, which was very sad. I only knew them for a short time but we connected so well and I appreciated their knowledge and our conversations. I do know, though, that I will always have a place to stay in Ontario, California if need be :)

Monday was a pretty chill day, feeding babies and doing laundry. But in the evening a girl by the name of Jerry cam over to teach Mari and I how to make mandazi!!! It is basically deep fried dough...but it is amazing!! If anyone wants to try some when I get home, be sure to let me know :)

It was lots of fun, but we made soooo many!! Too many.....

Today was a good day as well; got up for a run this morning, did a load of laundry and fed the babies in the morning. At 10, Mari and I headed off to Victorious-Joy Children's Home and School. It is a 30 bob Matatu ride and then a decent walk, but it is worth it. The kids were outside on recess when we arrived so we greeted them and went on inside. There we chatted with Boaz (the principal) and Mary (head teacher) about their plans and dreams for this school. We also got to meet Rose, who founded the home and hear her story and dreams. She was an orphan herself and had always promised God that she would help at least one orphan. She had her first orphan about eight years ago, and he is now in Form 4 (grade 12), and has had many since then. Her goal is to buy a big property and move there. Right now they are renting land for the school and different land for the orphanage, for which they pay 14,000/= per month (approx. $164.71 CDN). The property that Rose is looking at right now is 4 acres with a large building on it that they could start using right now instead of building. The land and building costs 8 million /=, $70,588.24 CND, ish. Victorious-Joy has been a certified organization for the last five years, and has been running on sporadic donations since. They rely so hard on Jesus and the fact the He alone is able to sustain them, it is amazing!! I would ask you to take some time to pray for this organization that they would know the direction that The Lord is taking them, and that the money for the land would come in when God says. Thank you.

Then after we stopped at Home Depo for groceries (not at all like Home Depot at home) and headed back for the afternoon feed. Did the feeding, but some of the babies got immunizations today so tey are feeling a little cranky :(. Relaxed and watched a movie in the early evening and went for supper at 6:30 to Lucy's place where I tried Matumbo. It was NASTY (thats right Dad, nasty!!). It is goat intestine...but it looks like some fuzzy thing you would find in the ocean. The taste was fine, but it felt like I was chewing on a rubber tire!? It was not my favorite thing in the world at all. The rest of the meal was great; pilau (rice), sakuma wiki (greens similar to spinach), black beans and chapot (chapati). Then we came back to feed the babies and now I am ready for bed.

I hope you enjoy reading about my daily life. I am not too sure what to blog about other than this :)

Love you!!

And please pray for the Cornerstone Youth group on their Mexico mission trip!! My Erik is on the trip as well as many many people I care for a ton and I would love for them to learn lots as well as come back home safely :)

Rach :)

1 comment:

  1. MMMMMMMMMM!!!!!! I can`t wait to try some Rach!! They remind me of rolkucken and watermelon for sure! Miss you tons still, see you soon!
